MBL Food & Packaging Limited Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all your dealings with MBL Food & Packaging Limited ACN 111 463 864 trading as MBL Food & Packaging ABN 90 111 463 864 (“MBL”). 

MBL is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(“Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) set out therein in respect of that personal information. 

“Personal information” is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

• whether the information is true or not; and

• whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy

By completing a credit application, entering into contracts with us (including a personal guarantee and indemnity), using our website or otherwise providing us with your personal information, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

From time to time, MBL may update this Privacy Policy. When changes are made, we will revise the date of last update listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to visit our website regularly or otherwise ask us for any updates to our Privacy Policy.

Information we collect and hold about you


Personal information:

MBL collects and holds personal information where the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities. Personal information collected may include:

• your personal details such as your name, gender, date of birth, address;

• your contact details;

• records of communications between MBL and yourself;

• usage information and other information disclosed by you.


How we collect and hold your personal information


Personal information:

We collect personal information:

a) through our forms (including order forms, quote request forms and credit applications);

b) when you send us an email, letter or fax;

c) when you communicate with us over the phone;

d) when a purchase or refund is made;

e) in connection with other services and activities we make available;

f) when you visit our website;

g) when you submit an email address to our website mailing list; and

h) when you apply for a job or make an employment-related inquiry.

MBL will collect personal information from you where it is reasonable and practicable to do so. Sometimes, we may collect information about you from a third party, such as our contractors, couriers and agents, referees or from publicly available sources.

You may refuse to provide MBL with your personal information where it is lawful and practicable to do so. However, if you do so, it may prevent you from engaging in certain activities and services with MBL.


Unsolicited information:

If MBL receives unsolicited personal information and we determine we could not have collected the personal information from you, and the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record, we will, as soon as practicable but only if it is lawful and reasonable to do so, destroy or de-identify the information.

Passive information collection:

MBL may from time to time use various technologies, such as cookies, to collect anonymous information from users of its website. This information assists us to analyse traffic and guide development of the website. Most web browsers accept cookies, but you may modify your browser settings to disable them. If you do so, some parts of the website may not function properly.

How we use your personal information

MBL collects personal information for the purpose for which it was collected, for any purpose which you have consented to, or for any related purpose where you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties:

In the course of business, we may be required to disclose personal information to third parties. The types of third parties we may disclose your personal information to include: 

a) our insurer; our insurance broker;

b) government agencies;

c) law enforcement bodies;

d) courts or other parties we are required by law to disclose information to;

e) our agents;

f) contractors; and

g) external advisors who we engage to undertake our business functions and activities from time to time or who assist us in undertaking our business functions and activities.


We may also disclose your personal information to third parties where we have your express consent to do so.


Direct Marketing:

We may occasionally use your personal information to notify you about other products offered by us. When we conduct market research and profiling, we may ask you for your opinions about food, food ingredients and packaging, websites and customer service or photos and information to enter our promotions. These may be published in MBL’s blogs and social media sites. This information is also used to update you on our latest products, news and special offers (unless you tell us not to – which you can do at any time). 

If you have made a purchase from our online store, we may occasionally update you on our latest products, news and special offers via e-mail, post and telephone. You will also be given the opportunity to receive such communications from us when you become a member of MBL. All MBL members have the option to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us. If you do not wish to continue to receive marketing from us, you should opt-out by visiting ‘Your Account’ on the MBL website. You can access ‘Your Account’ once you register and login. Or click on the “unsubscribe” link in any email communications sent to you.

You may choose to submit a product review on our website. Any personal information that you submit as part of the review can be read or used by other visitors to the website. We are not responsible for any personal information that you choose to submit as part of your review. We believe you can post a helpful review without disclosing any personal information.


How we protect your information

We will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information and credit eligibility information from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 

If your information is no longer required to be kept by us, we will destroy it and/or ensure that the information is de-identified. After a phone order is processed, all credit card details are destroyed.


Accessing your personal information

To access your personal information we hold about you, please send a written request to the attention of the Privacy Officer. Generally, MBL will attempt to grant you access to the personal information.

MBL may refuse to give access to the personal information where, for example, providing access would disclose commercially sensitive information or information relating to existing or anticipated legal proceedings. If we refuse to provide you with access to personal information held by you and us, then we will provide written reasons for the refusal and advise you of available avenues of redress.


How you may correct your personal information

Where necessary, MBL takes reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we collect and disclose is accurate and up-to-date, complete and relevant.

If we discover the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to correct the personal information. If you find that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, please request its correction free of charge by contacting our Privacy Officer. If we refuse your request for correction, we will provide written reasons for the refusal and advise you of the mechanisms available to you to complain about the refusal.


How you may complain about a breach of the Act 

Should you have any complaints in respect of our handling of your personal information, you can lodge a complaint free of charge by contacting our Privacy Officer. If you are unhappy with our resolution of your complaint or the way we have handled your complaint, you may be able to refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see: www.oaic.gov.au for further details).


How to contact us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or our handling of your information, please contact our Privacy Officer, by sending an email to accountsreceivable@mbl.com.au or a letter to the attention of the Privacy Officer at MBL Trading Limited, PO Box 1850, Canning Vale DC WA 6970.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 27 June 2022.


This Credit Reporting Policy applies specifically to credit related personal information which is credit information, credit eligibility information or credit reporting body derived information about an individual (“credit related information”) and sets out how MBL Food & Packaging Limited ACN 111 463 864 trading as MBL Food & Packaging ABN 90 111 463 864 (“MBL”) manages that information.

MBL is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Act”), and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (“the Code”) to the extent applicable in relation to that credit related information.

This Credit Reporting Policy applies in addition to our Privacy Policy which applies to other personal information. A copy of our Privacy Policy can be provided upon request.


Your acceptance of this Credit Reporting Policy

By completing a credit application, trade credit agreement or entering into contracts with us or otherwise providing us with your credit related information, you agree to the terms of this Credit Reporting Policy. Depending on the manner in which you communicate with MBL, further privacy information may apply in addition to the matters discussed in this Credit Reporting Policy.

From time to time, MBL may update this Credit Reporting Policy. When changes are made, we will revise the date of last update as listed at the end of this Credit Reporting Policy. We encourage you to check our website regularly or otherwise ask us for any updates to our Credit Reporting Policy.


Credit related information about you we collect and hold


MBL collects and holds various kinds of credit related information including:

a) identification information (including an individual’s name, age, address);

b) statements that information requests have been made by credit providers, mortgage insurers or trade insurers;

c) default information;

d) court proceedings information;

e) personal insolvency information;

f) publicly available information that relates to an individual’s activities in Australia or the external Territories and their credit worthiness;

g) opinions of other credit providers; opinions of credit reporting bodies including credit ratings, scores and evaluations about credit worthiness;

h) individual’s credit application history; and

i) any other information relevant to the purposes for which we collect credit related information.


How we collect and hold your credit related information

MBL will collect your credit related information primarily from you or from someone representing or assisting you. However, where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect it directly from you, we will collect information about you from third parties. Third parties we may collect your credit related information from include our agents, credit reporting bodies and any other person we consider necessary to carry out our functions.

MBL maintains appropriate security, data collection, storage and processing practices to ensure such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances are taken to protect your credit related information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.  Where this information is no longer required, MBL will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the information.


Why we collect, hold, use and disclose your credit related information

MBL collects, holds, uses and discloses credit related information as reasonably necessary for our business purposes and as permitted by law. These purposes are varied and may include: assessing whether to provide you or your business with credit or to accept you as a guarantor; making credit worthiness evaluations to be used in MBL’s decision making processes; managing credit provided by MBL; participating in the credit reporting system and providing information to credit reporting bodies as allowed by Part IIIA of the Act and the Code; assisting other credit providers; undertaking debt recovery and enforcement activities; dealing with complaints, dispute resolution and complying with legal and regulatory requirements including the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth), the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth), the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) and other taxation laws.

If credit related information is not collected by us, it may prevent us from engaging in certain activities with you and your business including entering into deferred payment arrangements, trade credit agreements, or other business-related activities where we consider obtaining that information is necessary.


How we use and disclose your credit related information


Disclosure of credit related information to credit reporting bodies:

MBL may disclose credit related information to credit reporting bodies where the Act and Code permits us to do so. For example, we may disclose credit related information to a credit reporting body when seeking credit reports from credit reporting bodies; or if you or your business fails to meet payment obligations in relation to commercial credit provided by us, we may be entitled to disclose credit related information to a credit reporting body. In addition, a credit reporting body may include the information in reports provided to other credit providers to assist them to assess the individual’s credit worthiness.


We are likely to disclose credit related information we collect to the following credit reporting bodies:


• Illion Australia (formerly Dun & Bradstreet)

• Website: http://www.checkyourcredit.com.au

• Phone: 13 23 33

•Address: Attention: Illion Australia, PO Box 7405, St. Kilda VIC 3004.


• Equifax (formerly Veda Advantage Information Services & Solutions Ltd)

• Website: http://www.mycreditfile.com.au

• Phone: 13 8332

• Address: Attention: Equifax, PO Box 964, North Sydney NSW 2059.


Some of your rights in relation to credit reporting bodies:

A credit reporting body may use your credit related information to assist a credit provider to market to you by pre-screening you for direct marketing by the credit provider. If you do not want a credit reporting body to use your credit related information for the purpose of pre-screening, you have the right under the Act to contact the credit reporting body and request that they exclude you.

If you reasonably believe you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud, you may contact a credit reporting body to request that they do not use or disclose your credit related information. The credit reporting body will explain to you in detail the effects of this.


Disclosure of credit related information to other recipients:

We may, as permitted by law, disclose your credit related information to third parties including agents or other third parties for the internal management purposes that are directly related to the provision or management of credit we provide.

We may disclose credit related information to a debt collection agency, or where you have expressly consented to that disclosure to another credit provider or guarantor, or as otherwise allowed by the Act.


How you access or correct your credit related information


Accessing your credit related information:

To access the credit related information we hold about you, please send a written request to the Privacy Officer. MBL will attempt to grant you access to the credit related information within 30 days of a request but in some circumstances it may take longer. There is no charge associated with making an access request.

Under the Act we may refuse to give access to the credit related information where for example giving access would disclose commercially sensitive information or information relating to existing or anticipated legal proceedings. If we refuse to provide you with access to credit related information held about you by us, then we will provide written reasons for the refusal and advise you of available avenues of redress.


Correcting your credit related information:

If you believe that any credit related information held by us about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, please request its correction free of charge by contacting our Privacy Officer. MBL will attempt to resolve correction requests within 30 days of your making a request but in some circumstances it may take longer. If we need more time to resolve your request we will notify you as to the delay, the reasons for it and seek your written agreement to a longer period.

If your request for correction is successful, we will provide written notice of the correction to you, and where practicable and not prohibited by law, to certain other people we provided the pre-correction information (other than identification information) to, such as relevant credit reporting bodies and to any other third party as required under the Act. If we refuse your request for correction, we will provide written reasons for the refusal and advise you of available avenues of redress. 

You have the right under the Act and the Code to obtain your credit related information from a credit reporting body free of charge if the access request relates to a decision to correct information about you. That right may be exercised by contacting the relevant credit reporting body.


How you complain about a breach of the Act

If you believe an act or practice MBL has engaged in has breached the Act or the Code, you can lodge a complaint free of charge by contacting our Privacy Officer. We will endeavour to contact you to confirm receipt within 7 days of us having received your complaint. MBL will attempt to resolve the complaint within 30 days of receiving the complaint. If we need more time to resolve your complaint we will notify you as to the delay, the reasons for it and seek your written agreement to a longer period. Depending on the nature of the complaint, it may be necessary for us to consult with third parties, including credit reporting bodies or other credit providers, in order to investigate and resolve your complaint. 

If you are unhappy with our resolution of your complaint or with the way MBL has handled your complaint, you may refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see www.oaic.gov.au  for further details).


How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Credit Reporting Policy or our handling of your credit related information please contact our Privacy Officer, by sending an email to accountsreceivable@mbl.com.au or a letter to the attention of the Privacy Officer at MBL Trading Limited, PO Box 1850, Canning Vale DC WA 6970.


This Credit Reporting Policy was last updated on 27 June 2022.